Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The cost of sunshine.

Today is one of those fabulous sunny days that we forget when we are in the middle of a recession. We may not remember today in the bigger scheme of things, but I suspect we will remember the state of our banks accounts, the size of our overdraft or the exact amount of the pay cut/loss we may have been presented with this year.
Pictured here is my mam, Peggy Faulkner, 76 year old stroke victim, who completed the 2007 marathon on an adapted bycycle to raise €3800 for the nursing home she now lives in and in doing so, made something fantastic out of a situation that was very difficult.
This week she won the Leinster final of Mum of the year with Woman's Way magazine.
She can no longer read the magazine.
She can no longer hold a converstation.
She can no longer do any of the things I take for granted and moan about, like putting a wash on firsth thing in the morning. She used to wake us with the sound of the washing machine.
She loves her life. Even now.
Although we fought like cats and dogs when I was younger, I am constantly inspired by a woman who continues to live her life and make friends in high places and revel in her new found media attention.
But she loves the day attendants as much as the celebrities.
And thats her gift.
So if the budget is tight have a look out side.

The sunshine costs nothing.

In fact, you might even be worrying that you have no holiday in the sun booked for this year.
This week, taking my cue from my mum, and in an attempt to counteract the constant barrage of misery and bad news that is constantly in the air, this week I wote a little book. Not a mindboggling literary masterpiece, just a little book of happy thougths and lovely images. The writing of it was pure fun, and the giving of it in e-book form to a few clients and colleagues took the click of a mouse in an email.

The response has been overwhelming.

I should have done it years ago instead of waiting until a recession hits.

What random act of kindness or creativity can you do that will put a smile on someones face and give you pleasure in the making?
What would be your own personal sunflower?
have a lovely day,

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Day, New Name, New Approach

Today I moved another step closer to my "ideal" life, finishing the artwork for the cover of my novel Poppies and Sky (see photo) , identifying two new products that will use creative writing and arty stuff and uncovering an untapped resource of passive income in the process!

One of the insights I had was that my blog was called "Clippings of Tin" as in living on feck all and my previous newsletter was called "Wing & Prayer". Although I like them and had great response to both, they were in fact, the very names of a poor existence, and as I always preach about making ourselves martyrs, I have ditched both and replaced the blog name with the name of my current book, "Sunflower Seeds".

I have a pain in my backside listening to the recession, depression, and bad news every time i read a paper, turn on the tv or listen to the radio.

If we all listen to bad news that is depressing then its only a matter of time...

So with that in mind, I have begun a little book of good news to be out mid summer and available in shops and on Amazon in time for Christmas (I know I know but these things take time).

So the next few weeks will be busy doing things I love, and singing the "My Lovely Horse" by Dougal and Father Ted whenever I hear something more miserable than has gone ahead already.

And hanging paintings in a gallery.....

and selling artwork in the design mart in Temple Bar...

and finishing Sunny Side Up by the end of July.

Who needs a holiday?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Time flies!

It is no great surprise to me that its over a year since I last posted something on this blog (march 08 to be precise), as thats one of my least productive habits. It does, however, have a bright side as you can read the last post and be amazed at what has changed over the last year!

Apart from the obivious one year older, my family has been reduced by 4 kittens and 4 chickens, the former going to good homes, the latter being sent to heaven by some heavy handed kids.

The famous novel is finished and a proof copy on its way, and another book has been commissioned which is proving a joy to write, although the subject matter (an adopted womans search for her birth mother) is quite sad. It's a real challange to write someone else's story but although progress is slow, its great to know my job is in the writing, the promo and publishing is someone elses headache!

And on a similar note...

The Sid & Janey cards are now a real live product and I have a stall at a designers market in Dublin to sell cards featuring art (above) and cards, but I also have a student daughter who needs a job so I dont have to stand in the rain/wind/snow/baking sun selling!

So I can write and paint and let someone else do the other cool is that?

Now all I need is a pa, a housekeeper, a launderette and a chauffer and I'm sorted!