Yesterday I got two gifts. One was the correct link to my redbubble page curtesy of the techno savvy Marion Ryan (thanks Marion!) and the other was the gift of a colleague who rang to confirm she had just plucked up the courage to ask a prospective client for five months work. Her enthusiasm made me smile for the rest of the day, and with both gifts I didnt even leave the house.
However, like most people, these are few and far between and I still have without doubt, the ugliest candle holder in black metal that I got from a well meaning husband last year. I havent the heart to throw it out, I would'nt be bad enough to give it to someone and I know that as congruence and integrity are major components of a professional life coach, them I am doomed to the big hot oven if I dont do something.
So, in a damage limitation excercise I am trying to make sure it dosent happen this year. By writing a list of possibles, some costing money, some none (like the "clean mam's car" voucher I asked the ten year old for in November, its still manky), but all of which I will use of find useful.
Most important, I will do this without judgement.
My first present to my husband who was a fisherman out in all weathers at the time was......a glass bowl with floating candles in it. He stuck a few oranges in it and used the box for loose change.
My second was a silver candle stick.
My third was a suade coat that looked like something out of Only Fools and Horses. I wore it for a long time.
He started his own business several years ago as a builder. That year I bought him a DKNY watch.
This year for our anniversary also in November, I bought him a silver acorn shaped antique nutcracker. I am sure it can be used.
So when my list is done and I have handpicked all my possible presents its becoming obvious that I may not have the monopoly on crap presents.
This year I was thinking of getting him a "Build Your Own Boat" set....